Zagwe Dynasty processional cross, Lalibela, Ethiopia, 13th centuryBronze
Icon of the Virgin holding the Christ Child with the archangels Michael and Gabriel, and 13 apostles, Ethiopia, mid to late 15th centurypaint on wooden panel
Processional cross with engraved figures in Fer Seyon style, Ethiopia or Eritrea, mid 15th - early 16th centuryCopper alloy (brass)
Diptych with the Kiss of Christ to His Beloved John, with the Apostles and Saint Theodore, and the Nursing Virgin and Child with the Four Archangels and Equestrian Saints, Ethiopia, c. 1480-1500Paint on wood
Diptych of the Virgin and Child and Apostles, signed by Nicolo Brancaleon (c.1460 – after 1526), c. 1510Paint on wood
Diptych with St George and the Virgin Eleousa, Ethiopia and possibly Crete, c. 1500 and c. 1480-90Tempera and gold on wood
Gospel Book, Ethiopia, Northern Highlands (Tigray), c. 1510-30Ink and tempera on parchment; wood and leather binding
Handcross with relief figures, Ethiopia, early 16th centuryWood